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//1-Day Stain Removal Course

1-Day Stain Removal Course


This is an advanced course* for those wishing to improve their skills in stain removal and who have already taken a 1-day carpet cleaning course and have a clear understanding of the chemistry of cleaning.

An in-depth course, it incorporates a comprehensive overview of all the available stain removal products with hands-on practice in the correct application of these products.

There will be brief revision of fibre identification and carpet and fabric construction and further guidance on sanitising, odour control and protector treatments for both carpets and upholstery fabrics.

*Previous attendance at a Prochem carpet cleaning course is mandatory.

  • Courses commence at 09.00 and finish at 16.30.
  • Included in the cost is a hot meal plus buffet lunch along with 2 coffee breaks.
  • All attendees will get a fully comprehensive training and reference manual to take away, as well as Certificate of Attendance.
  • Parking is available on site.
  • Directions and a list of local hotels are available on request.
SKU: TRA-SR1 Category: Tag:



Identification of stains
Their origin and how they affect different types of fibres and construction, asking the right questions, assessing the extent of damage and likelihood of removal, water soluble stains, solvent soluble stains, dye stains etc.
Chemistry of cleaning
Understanding the importance of pH in stain removal, testing the stain
Stain removal kit
Products, equipment and machines.
Comprehensive stain removal guide
Hands-on practice
Application techniques
Basic application tips, advanced methods for difficult stains
Further treatments
Odour control, sanitising, protectors


David Milton of Clean R Carpets
“Good afternoon Phil. Just a quick email to say thank you to yourself and Adam for conducting a fantastic course on Monday. With all the restrictions in place you both dealt with this superbly.

Been on lots of courses as you know and I was highly impressed with both of you from the way you conducted yourself and Prochem. Will certainly be looking to book more courses in the future.”

Dan Gunner of ProCarpet Cleaning
“I recently attended the advanced stain removal at Prochem and found it a long day but it very soon, became highly beneficial and has indeed sharpened my focus into this part of my cleaning business. I now find that it gives me far more confidence to discuss with customers the options. In fact, the day after the course, I had call from a client that resulted in a professional and successful job when I might have opted against the task.

“Well worth it – hands-on really helpful – training facilities fantastic – Phil and Adam fantastic. Many thanks.”

“Manuals are excellent – of the three courses the stain removal was the most interesting for me – hands on very useful and timing excellent – manual contains lots of info and easy to read. The course was well worth it.”

Course Booking Information

All courses must be paid for at the time of booking. A charge of twenty pounds will be applied to cancellations made less than five working days prior to the date of the course, to cover the cost of incurred administrative charges. All training courses include coffee, lunch, tea, reference manual and training certificate. The numbers on each course are restricted and we regret that an administrative charge will be made for non-attendance or late cancellations. Lunch will be provided on all courses, with a vegetarian option and some special dietary requirements available (please ask at time of booking). Please ensure you inform us if you have any food allergies. Reservations will be confirmed by letter and will include course timetable and travel directions. For up-to-date details of course timetables and scheduled dates contact our Training Department on 020 8974 1515. All prices are per person and exclusive of VAT.

Additional information

SR1 1-Day Stain Removal Course

22 July 2025 Chessington