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//1-Day Hard Floor Cleaning & Maintenance Course

1-Day Hard Floor Cleaning & Maintenance Course


Get to grips with identifying and maintaining a wide range of floor surfaces.

Features practical demonstrations in Prochem’s custom-built training area and is ideal for professional cleaners, contract cleaners and hospital and local authority staff.

  • Courses commence at 09.00 and finish at 16.30.
  • Included in the cost is a hot meal plus buffet lunch along with 2 coffee breaks.
  • All attendees will get a fully comprehensive training and reference manual to take away, as well as Certificate of Attendance.
  • Parking is available on site.
  • Directions and a list of local hotels are available on request.
SKU: TRA-HF1 Category: Tag:



Cleaning systems for:-
Initial treatments including wood sanding, stripping, sealing, regular maintenance, periodic treatments
Recognition of flooring types
Vinyl, quarry tile, linoleum, rubber, marble, safety flooring, granite, concrete, terrazzo, cork, wood, ceramic tile, porcelain, laminate, terracotta, limestone, slate, epoxy resin.
Cleaning tasks
Mopping techniques, spray cleaning, scrub cleaning, burnishing, floor stripping.
Correct use of:-
Detergents, polishes, seals, maintainers, machines, pads and brushes.
Quick reference guide to faults and cures


Chris Wenzel of Spring Clean, Huddersfield
“Believe me, the Prochem hard floor course was worth every penny! I can now do floor cleaning and maintenance that I wouldn’t even have attempted before. The course was extremely beneficial and the money I invested in that trip, I have earned back several times over. You’ve got to invest in yourself as well as in machines and equipment. I am also very pleased with the help I have received from the Prochem technical help-line”.

Paul Sephon Delight Clean
Even though I’ve been in the industry for years and clean a lot of flooring, both commercially and residential, I decided to use this course as a refresher and just as well – I’d forgotten a few basic principles about managing safety flooring and marble. It’s always good practice to refresh training. Your memory is never as good as you think !

Course Booking Information

All courses must be paid for at the time of booking. A charge of twenty pounds will be applied to cancellations made less than five working days prior to the date of the course, to cover the cost of incurred administration charges. All training courses include coffee, lunch, tea, reference manual and training certificate. The numbers on each course are restricted and we regret that an administration charge will be made for non-attendance or late cancellations. Lunch will be provided on all courses, with a vegetarian option and some special dietary requirements available (please ask at time of booking). Please ensure you inform us if you have any food allergies. Reservations will be confirmed by letter and will include course timetable and travel directions. For up-to-date details of course timetables and scheduled dates contact our Training Department on 020 8974 1515. All prices are per person and exclusive of VAT.

Additional information


13 May 2025 Chessington