Truck mounts – Monaco Sails with a Peak performer
A Monaco-based yacht management company has responded to a client call for optimum on-board cleaning of fixtures and fittings with the launch of [...]
Train at Prochem and join the NCCA!
Professional cleaners attending Prochem Europe training courses can now take entry exams to join the National Carpet Cleaners' Association (NCCA) at the same [...]
Care Homes – Quantum Care models training for cleaners programme
Quantum Care's Courtland Lodge home in Watford While training for care home personnel is increasingly broad-based, its focus is on establishing and maintaining [...]
Jewel of a tool makes matters clear
If seeing is believing then owners of all truck mount machines as well as high pressure portable machines are in for good news [...]
Bye bye Scotchgard – Hello Fluoroseal Plus!
While 3M's TM2401 Scotchgard Carpet Protector is being discontinued, Prochem Europe has a viable alternative available now. B129 Fluoroseal Plus is a ready-to-use [...]
Swift response to upgraded Endeavor launch
One fast-growing cleaning company quick off the mark at adopting new technology like the recently-upgraded Endeavor 500 extractor is Swift Cleaning in Yateley, [...]
Prochem takes heart at strong first half UK sales
UK cleaning solutions and technology specialist, Prochem Europe and UK distributors secured encouraging sales in the first half of 2016 with notable procurement [...]
Catalogue showcase big Endeavor for solutions rebrand
Rebrands for its neutralisers and deodorizers plus a highly-regarded upgrade of its Endeavor walk-behind extractor are features of Prochem's newly-published 2016 Product Catalogue. [...]
Cleaning show review: Mad about Manchester
Cleaning systems specialist Prochem took the high road north to Manchester with a stand at the city's brand new Cleaning Show at Events [...]
A Royal Appointment on the Cote d’Azur
When ex-pat Brit professional cleaner Glenn Chidzoy's fleet of trucks, equipment and cleaning solutions was wiped out in a major flood at his [...]
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