

Care Homes – Quantum Care models training for cleaners programme

October 4th, 2016|

Quantum Care's Courtland Lodge home in Watford While training for care home personnel is increasingly broad-based, its focus is on establishing and maintaining [...]

Jewel of a tool makes matters clear

October 3rd, 2016|

If seeing is believing then owners of all truck mount machines as well as high pressure portable machines are in for good news [...]

Bye bye Scotchgard – Hello Fluoroseal Plus!

October 2nd, 2016|

While 3M's TM2401 Scotchgard Carpet Protector is being discontinued, Prochem Europe has a viable alternative available now. B129 Fluoroseal Plus is a ready-to-use [...]

Swift response to upgraded Endeavor launch

October 1st, 2016|

One fast-growing cleaning company quick off the mark at adopting new technology like the recently-upgraded Endeavor 500 extractor is Swift Cleaning in Yateley, [...]

Prochem takes heart at strong first half UK sales

July 5th, 2016|

UK cleaning solutions and technology specialist, Prochem Europe and UK distributors secured encouraging sales in the first half of 2016 with notable procurement [...]

Catalogue showcase big Endeavor for solutions rebrand

July 4th, 2016|

Rebrands for its neutralisers and deodorizers plus a highly-regarded upgrade of its Endeavor walk-behind extractor are features of Prochem's newly-published 2016 Product Catalogue. [...]

Cleaning show review: Mad about Manchester

July 3rd, 2016|

Cleaning systems specialist Prochem took the high road north to Manchester with a stand at the city's brand new Cleaning Show at Events [...]

A Royal Appointment on the Cote d’Azur

July 2nd, 2016|

When ex-pat Brit professional cleaner Glenn Chidzoy's fleet of trucks, equipment and cleaning solutions was wiped out in a major flood at his [...]

Keeping it natural – coir, sisal and how to clean them…

July 1st, 2016|

Enquiries into how to clean natural fibre carpets are on the increase at Prochem - Phil Jones looks at how to keep it [...]

Welsh professionals Cotton onto training

June 1st, 2016|

A Prochem Steempro goes through its paces at Cotton & Sons Cleaning professionals across Wales got further insight into the Prochem systems approach [...]

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