Ask any cleaner – long carpeted corridors, large carpeted halls and conference facilities can be pretty hard-going.

So, here’s a Prochem Europe solutions ‘package’ that makes lighter work of cleaning the bigger carpet – as well as hard-floor areas that need to be scrubbed and dried.

The technology involved constitutes a Polaris walk-behind rotating brush wet-extraction machine with an AC1041 extension hose coupled to a PM2505 Squeegee Scrub wand

Users get a lot of choice with the Polaris range. It comes in four different sizes rated according to capacity, brush width and vacuum motors but they all come fitted with a 120psi pump.

The Polaris 500 and 700 have a single 2 stage-Lamb Vacuum motor; the 500 has a 14in cleaning width and a 19 litre capacity; the 700 has a 17in cleaning width with 26.5 litre capacity.

Trade-up, and the 800 and 1200 models are both fitted with the twin 2-stage motors and 19in cleaning width (note: the 800 has a 30 litre capacity where as the 1200 has 45 l capacity).

Connect any of these machines with the AC1041 hose and the Squeegee Scrub Wand (above) and here’s a match made in heaven, because this combination not only enables fast and easy passes on large-scale carpeted areas but also on hard-floors.

The rotatable head allows the suer to scrub in chemicals such as Alkleen or Powerclean for those greasy kitchen or heavily soiled bathrooms with the hard brush side of the head. Rinse and dry the floor with the squeegee side of the wand head, collecting the waste water into the soiled water tank.

Suddenly the workload has got a lot lighter!