Coming soon from Prochem!
‘Touch-less’ cleaning technology seems set to be the new kid on the block in innovations terms and next Spring, Prochem Europe launches one such system for restrooms and other wet areas that does away with mops and brushes, and – with the addition of a carpet wand or upholstery tool – can also be used for carpet and upholstery cleaning.
Almar can’t get enough of Prochem product training
When the housekeeping departments of their high-end clients enquired about training on how to clean and maintain the yacht interiors, Barcelona-based marine servicing and cleaning products distributor, Almar CN contacted Prochem to provide the service.
Need Prochem training in 2018?
Prochem training course dates for 2018 have just been published – if you’ve not been on one of the company’s courses, now’s the time to set matters straight!
Czeching in on Extraclean
Prochem’s Extraclean advanced micro-encapsulation extraction cleaner for carpets, rugs and upholstery finds added favour for what it brings to the process by way of ‘extras’. One sales champion for the solution is Prochem Europe Czech Republic distributor HP Trading, where Extraclean is in prime position on the company’s home page.
Going Natural – how to meet environmental cleaning objectives
The ‘Natural’ chemicals range from Prochem Europe plays an important role in helping you meet the objectives of customers seeking more environmentally-friendly solutions.
Tech Pages here to help…
When it comes to resolving those tricky moments on-site when a professional cleaner stops and thinks, “….how do I sort this one?” ...a good starting point is a visit to the Cleaning Technical Help Pages on the Prochem website.
De-scaler? Do we need it?
De-scaler. Do professional cleaners need it for equipment maintenance?
Know your material (and make hard floor cleaning less hard…)
Cleaning a hard floor is easier than a carpet – a hard floor is just a hard floor, right? Well, in fact, ‘wrong’ – but it is tempting to suppose at a glance that hard floors are less complicated and that pretty much the same processes can be employed to clean them.
Berwick bests healthcare sector cleaning
It’s no big surprise to hear from specialist suppliers like Prochem customer and Distributor Award winner Berwick Care how important a clean environment is to that important first impression for every home visitor.
Training doubles sales for Sybron
Training = increased sales; that’s the simple message from Prochem distributor, Sybron. The Harlow, Essex-based business is a specialist supplier to the hotels and leisure sector – and business is going well.
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