One of the latest entrants into the cruise ship cleaning business is investing in training provided by Prochem.

Foamex helps the cruise industry look after its ships’ carpets and fabrics through a mixture of education, advice and expertise technicians, reducing waste via showing customers how correct cleaning and maintenance is key to any sustainable business plan.

The business has been born out of furniture restoration company Peninsula. Working with the cruise industry for some years now, directors Aaron Perrins and Richard Waterworth saw the quantity of carpet and fabric being damaged due to poor cleaning and lack of maintenance.

“We operate worldwide and support onboard cleaning teams, educating crews and building awareness and we use Prochem machines and solutions because they deliver the best outcomes for us,” says Aaron.

“We know that correct cleaning procedures and care will extend the life of these often high-quality and valuable materials and save clients’ money.”

To support their expansion and development, Foamex attended a bespoke training day at Prochem’s dedicated facility in Chessington.

The course covered carpets and fabrics and all the team leaders from across the UK and Europe attended.

Due to the high-end nature of the materials on board cruise ships, Prochem designed the session around the major styles of woven carpets and water-sensitive fabrics that Foamex encounter.

Says Aaron: “The day added enormously to the team’s knowledge experience and the session and information covered during the training has helped enhance their understanding of their business.”

Next time you take a cruise it is highly likely that the Foamex team have been there before you, cleaning your way!