Morden Park

The recent opening of a new leisure centre in Morden Park, Surrey sees in a major upgrading of wet area floor management geared to improving cleaning outcome with decreased user downtime.

At six lanes with a total length of 25m, Morden Leisure Centre boasts one of the largest public pools in the country, its diving pit fitted with a movable floor to a depth of 3.7m – an exceptional facility shared with few other centres in the UK.

Relocating the centre team from its original 1967-built pool facility coincided with a review of cleaning practices. Tasked to both cleaners and to lifeguards on-site, this had been carried out by washing, scrubbing and mopping wet areas.

Faced with a considerably larger space to clean at the new centre, assistant manager Matthew Breckon sought a faster, more effective solution for cleaning floor areas surrounding the pools and in its three changing rooms.

Morden Leisure Centre janitorial supplier Thorne Cleaning Solutions recommended the Prochem LW46 hybrid floor washer/drier.

This advanced cleaning machine can work up to 1500 sq m per hour from corded or battery power supply with recharging from complete discharge in only three hours.

Lightweight and maneuverable, it scrubs and dries to the wall along its side and in front, drying on each turn.

“The machine ticked all the right boxes for the team working at the new centre,” says Matthew.

“It’s a truly effective solution to our needs, both for managing straight runs of floor, and conversely in the changing rooms where cleaning between benches would otherwise have been be fiddly and time-consuming.

“We have eight lifeguards and three cleaners now and Prochem helped us with the use of the scrubber drier at a dedicated training day.”