It’s a frequently asked question by truck mount users calling the Prochem Europe service department.

Limescale can give lots of problems: blocked pipes, heat exchangers and filters, damaged valves and temperature sensors leading to overheating, loss of water pressure and poor performance.


Limescale damage to female quick connectors

And with a new heat exchanger costing up to £950 plus labour and downtime costs, it makes sense to de-scale. In hard water areas, once a month should be sufficient.

Prochem Truck Mount Descaler is a liquid inhibited descaler for the effective removal of hard water deposits from Prochem truck mounts and the protection of truck mount components. Its special formulation means it is not classified as corrosive to skin making it safer to handle than conventional acids.


With a list price of £14.25 for 5 litres and only one hour down-time to carry out a full de-scale, the benefit of descaling is a no-brainer.

So how do I use Prochem Truck Mount Descaler in my truck mount?

Begin by ensuring you are using appropriate personal protection equipment such as overalls, gloves and safety glasses etc., as recommended on the label & Safety Data Sheet. Next…


1. Disconnect the truck mount water inlet and solution outlet hoses. Drain half the water from the water box leaving at least three litres behind.


2. Start the engine running on warm water (not hot) and add one litre of Truck Mount Descaler into the water box to dissolve. Let the Truck Mount run for fifteen minutes to remove the limescale.


3. After treatment, immediately re-connect the water inlet and solution outlet hoses and flush with water for five minutes.


4. Add 250ml of Prochem alkaline liquid detergent (D488 Powerclean) to the water box and run for a few minutes to neutralise the acidic conditions. Flush again with water for a few minutes to remove the detergent

5. In cases of severe limescale build-up within a machine, a more concentrated solution of Truck Mount Descaler can be used in the water box and then the solution can be circulated for a longer period of time before flushing (see Product label for more detail).

So do we need it? As you can see, the answer is yes!